10 May 2013

unknown query id in impala

*unknown query id.*

found in the error log /tmp/impalad.ERROR

E0419 10:35:59.660483 17162 impala-server.cc:1349] unknown query id: 649569651912419c:be499fe7c0dcdf1e
E0419 10:36:00.658943 16963 impala-server.cc:1349] unknown query id: 649569651912419c:be499fe7c0dcdf1e
E0419 10:36:04.663323 16954 impala-server.cc:1349] unknown query id: 649569651912419c:be499fe7c0dcdf1e
E0419 10:36:05.661597 16952 impala-server.cc:1349] unknown query id: 649569651912419c:be499fe7c0dcdf1e
E0419 10:36:09.665850 16941 impala-server.cc:1349] unknown query id: 649569651912419c:be499fe7c0dcdf1e
E0419 10:36:10.664394 16952 impala-server.cc:1349] unknown query id: 649569651912419c:be499fe7c0dcdf1e

in file /be/src/service/impala-hs2-server.cc

void ImpalaServer::CloseOperation(
    TCloseOperationResp& return_val,
    const TCloseOperationReq& request) {

  TUniqueId query_id;
  TUniqueId secret;
  THandleIdentifierToTUniqueId(request.operationHandle.operationId, &query_id, &secret);
  VLOG_QUERY << "CloseOperation(): query_id=" << PrintId(query_id);

  // TODO: use timeout to get rid of unwanted exec_state.
  if (!UnregisterQuery(query_id)) {
    // No handle was found
    HS2_RETURN_ERROR(return_val, "Invalid query handle", SQLSTATE_GENERAL_ERROR);

Cause: unregisterQuery not close plan segments on remote hosts. so when remote hosts update the query status, this Error occurs;

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